Strategic Basis оf PR-Comunication

A. Baranetska


Research methods. In the course of the research of the touched issue, in particular phenomenon of PR-communication in connection with its strategic organization methods of the analysis and synthesis were used. For the systematization of the corresponding scientific researches on this matter the descriptive method was involved and the method of generalization was involved for the purpose of characteristics defining of PR-communication as a peculiar strategy of interaction with the public.

Results. Public relations as a powerful sociocultural phenomenon are represented in the article. PR are characterized as strategic communication. It is noted that the strategy provides the formation of long, defined on prospect, relations with the audience for the realization of a main objective of the organization. It is determined that for the implementation of effective PR-activity it is necessary to develop such communication between the parties of interaction that information should be available and reliable for the public while the response of the audience should be studied by the communicator. Communication with the public should be purposeful (the PR-specialist has to realize the purpose of this communication), organized (the defined means and methods for the realization of the set objectives should be logically interconnected), structured (the organizer has to define accurately the target audience and the relevant communication activities), systematic (the trust is formed in the course of constant reminding).

Novelty. The article characterizes in a complex the principles of PR-communication realization in the formation and establishing of public relations, namely availability and openness of information, structure, organization, systemacity and also trust and responsibility.

Practical importance. The results of the research may be used in further scientific works on the peculiarities of PR-communication organization and also in the course of communicative strategy formation for a certain organization.

Key words: PR, communication, strategy, tactics, trust, social responsibility.


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