Geo Branding as a Social and Communication Technology: Nomenclature Formation
Research methodology. The research is based on the information, communication, system, activity approaches; the following methods were used: historical – to trace the geo branding evolution as a social and communicative technology – from contextual eventive communications and cooperation with mass media to the creation of communicative tools system for image formation and further – to the creation of added value; methods of comparative analysis, sinthesis, systematization, theoretical generalization of results – were used to clarify the essence of geo branding concept, in the process of definitions comparison and specification of features of functioning of geo branding nominations; method of modeling was used to clarify and formulate the definition of «geo branding» concept.
Results. The current state, process of formation and systematization of the geo branding terminological tools as a social and communicative technology were characterized. The incompleteness of formation and systematization of the terminology of the scientific field under research was stated.
Novelty. The scientific approaches to the geo branding as a social and communicative technology were systematized; the field of geo branding nominations was outlined and their comparative analysis was carried out; the reasonability of the «geo branding» term usage as the main generic nomination was grounded with consideration of: economical one-word form, word-creation activity and convenience; «geo» international element in the structure, deprived of additional connotations; content clarity and certainty; possibility of separation of brand types (for example, goods branding, political or architectural branding and so on) from branding of territories.
Practical importance. The research results can be used in the further investigations, as well as in the geo branding practices.
Key words: social and communicative technology, brand, branding, branding of places, geo branding.Full Text:
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