The Work of Editorial Office of Internet Media on Gamified Content
Research Methodology. The article’s research used such general scientific theoretical methods as source analysis, synthesis and generalization of the recieved information.
Results. The expansion of the media system on the Internet increases competition on the online media market, the main value of which nowadays is not the information itself, but the attention to it. The implementation of gamification (using game practices in non-gaming contexts) in the media allows editorial offices to effectively respond to the trends outlined above – namely to interest the reader, attract the attention of a wider audience, and to deepen its knowledge of socially significant topics in interactive form. Since the process of developing a gamified media product often involves the third-party professionals and lasts longer than production of the journalistic materials of traditional formats, there is a necessity for an efficient, clear, consistent process of work on it. In the article author present the result of the analysis of the current technologies of the implementation of gamification in other areas of its application and its adaptation to the specifics of journalistic activities on the Internet. The technology of work of the editorial office of Internet media on gamified content is offered – from the stage of choice of the optimal topic to the distribution of the finished product. The possibilities of popular Internet platforms enabling work on the journalistic gamified content, without resorting to the services of the third-party professionals, were considered as well.
Novelty. Within the article there were singled out the stages of the development of gamified content for the Internet media.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used by Internet media for organizing the effective production management for the development of gamified content.
Key words: gamification, Internet media, interactivity.
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