Features of Image Formation in the System of Sports Communications

A. Karnaukh


Research methodology. The basis of the study is information, synergy, culturological, praxeological, systemic, personal, activity approaches; the following methods have been used: the synthesis of scientific experience and terminological analysis – to consider the theoretical aspects of the components of such concepts as image, reputation and brand; analysis, synthesis, generalization – to determine the main characteristics of the image of sport and factors that affect the development and formation of sports communications; grouping, abstraction – to identify the advantages and disadvantages that affect the formation of the image of sport in Ukraine; logical and theoretical generalization – to prove the necessity of applying new scientific approaches and principles concerning the formation of the image in the system of sports communications.

Results. The basic characteristics of sport image and factors influencing the development and formation of sports communications are determined.

Novelty. The components that contribute to transforming the image of the investigated object into a positive reputation and a stable brand are systematized. The main factors that characterize such concepts as image, reputation and brand are analyzed. Summarized and formulated drawbacks and advantages that contribute to the development, development and functioning of the strategy of the image of Ukrainian sports in the system of sports communications. The basic characteristics of sport image and factors influencing the development and formation of sports communications are determined.

The practical significance. The research results can be used during the development of events of formation of sports communications.

Key words: image, sports communication, reputation, brand, image concept, negative and positive features.


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