Political Communication in Conditions of the Crisis (on the Example of the Events in Ukraine at the End of 2013 – the Beginnig of 2014)
Research methodology. The basis of the research is information, axiological and systematic approaches in the study of phenomena. In this work, the following general scientific methods were used, as an analysis – at the stage of determining the components of the process of political communication; comparison – when comparing key elements of political communication in order to establish similarities or differences between them; an analogy that made it possible to establish a connection in views on the terminology of the study.
Results. The article establishes the characteristics and investigates the mechanisms of political communication in the conditions of the crisis.
Novelty. The article generalizes the scientific views on the problem of political communication during the crisis escalation. The characteristics of crisis situations are outlined, the role of anti-crisis communications is emphasized. The mechanisms of implementation of crisis communications in mass media are analyzed. It has characterized the political communication in Ukraine in the period from the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2014.
The practical significance. To select an effective communicative strategy in critical time for the country it is important to study the specifics of crisis phenomena and crisis communications. This allows to create useful political messages, managing the escalation of crisis situations, reducing the negative effects of crises and, in turn, creates a positive image of the country in general and motivates the development of a progressive and democratic society with high moral standards. The results of the study can be used by PR specialists in the state structures and election campaign strategists as well as can be used for further research in exploring the characteristics of political discourse, political communication, social and communication technologies and anti-crisis strategies at the national level etc.
Key words: political communication, crisis, crisis situation, crisis phenomena.
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