Culture Mediatization: Terminological Analysis
Research methodology. The basis of the research is informational, axiological, cultural, systemic, activity approaches. The following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization – to determine the terminological analysis of the concept of "mediaization" in the context of the functioning of a new type culture; modeling – to construct a model of the media phenomenon as a universal concept to denote the broad-functional role of MMC in maintaining or rejecting certain scenarios of social behavior at different institutional levels; identifying the mechanisms and means that contribute to the integration of cultural and media forms and cause fundamental mediation between media discourses and cultural activities of the society.
Results. The essence of the concept of mediaization of culture as a communicant and its role in the formation of the global paradigm of the information society is characterized. The concept of «ediaization» s multilayered; it points to the different levels of media reality entering social. This is primarily about technical and technological mediation, later on the functional-semiotic mediality, and, ultimately, the emergence of new synthetic media-cultural forms.
Novelty. A conceptual model of the terminological analysis of the concept of «mediaization» in the context of the functioning of a new type of culture and the definition of the terminology conceptual sphere, which accordingly includes this semantic interpretation, is constructed. The existing scientific approaches to highlighting the essence of the phenomenon of mediaization of modern information space have been characterized, the specificity of the mediareality as a factor of functioning in society with a number of social roles has been identified, namely: humanization and self-realization of the individual, reception and creative transformation of social processes, dialogue of social ties, etc.
The practical significance. The actual terminological analysis of the phenomenon of mediaization of culture, the domain of which includes also the technologies of propaganda, public relations, advertising communications, etc., is carried out. Therefore, the results of the research can be used to develop measures for the formation of information culture in the MMC.
Key words: mediatization, media reception, medialogica, media event.
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