Media Convergence аs Prerequisite аnd Synonym оf Crossmedia

A. Shevchenko


Research Methodology. In the process of studying the foreign and domestic scientific work on the intersection of the semantic fields of the terms «convergence» and «crossmedia», the historical-theoretical and descriptive methods of research were applied.

Results. The crossmedia «experiment» received its development as a reaction to the massive transformational processes of the media world, such as convergence, globalization, digitalization, interactivity and multimedia. Therefore, the development of the crossmedia phenomenon is impossible and unlawful in isolation from the general background of media area. Since convergence is a prerequisite not only for crossmedia, but also for other strategies, such as transmedia, we consider it inappropriate to use the terms as synonyms, and include the fact of the identification of the «youth» of the term crossmedia and the lack of research on this issue. So, each crossmedia edition is multimedia and convergent according to the principles of its organization. But, as well as multimedia and convergent, there are other modern online journalism strategies, as exemplified by the rapid growth of the popularity of transmedia. Therefore, we dare to assume that with the spread of introduction of crossmedia techniques in publishing practice and the emergence of new strategies, this trend will go down. The grounds for the synonymization of the whole with the part, that is, the identification of the term «crossmedia» with the terms «convergence of the proposal» and «convergence of the content» seem obvious. However, we are convinced that their adjacent use can only aggravate terminological chaos.

Novelty. The study analyzed the semantic loading of the terms «media convergence» as one of the driving transformational processes of media education and «crossmedia» as a comprehensive strategy for combining traditional print media and new media.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used for further study of the phenomenon of «crossmedia».

Key words: media convergence, new media, crossmedia, crossmedia publishing.


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