Mass Media as a Tool for Information Warfare in Wartime

M. Kitsa, I. Mudra


Research methodology. according to the aim of the research, the method of analysis of TV news programs «TSN», «TSN Week», «Details», «Details of the Week» was used. The survey included reports, interviews, problem and analytical materials, as well as detailed information messages, which outlined the topic of the East of Ukraine. Selected journalistic materials were analyzed for the presence of information warfare tools.

Results. On TV channel «Inter» most often to the conversation were invited politicians, journalists, political scientists, economists. These are people with completely different political views. The topics of the conversation concerned on economics, migrants’ rights, politics, conflict in the Donetsk region and Lugansk region. In the plots of TV journalists and lanes of the leaders there was a quote or reference to the words of the leader of the aggressor country. Analytical, problematic subjects or reports from the ATO zone in one way or another are associated with the conflict with Russia’s actions. The journalists of «Podrobnosti» took Russia into a role of one of the sides of the conflict. Russia is described as an aggressor country. Enemy fighters are called «militants», «terrorists», rarely – separatists, they are not defined as serious political-military movements, but rather as alien mercenaries. In addition, they are described as completely dependent on the power of Russian Federation.

In the news programs «TSN» and «TSN week» representatives of the hostile organizations «DNR» and «LNR» words were not provided. In plots of TV journalists there were indirect citations of the leader of the country-aggressor V. Putin. Different thoughts sounded on the live steaming of the TV channel, the opinion leaders listened to the opponents. The journalists carefully picked up story heroes. As examples of courage, TV channels demonstrated the history of prisoners of warfare, doctors who save others’ lives, risking their own; local residents who suffered from this war.

Novelty. For the first time, the most popular news program was analyzed for the subject of information warfare

Practical significance. Research results can be used to teach journalists how to withstand information warfare.

Key words: media, information war, influence, war.


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