«Spiral of Silence» by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann as a Technology of Information Influence in Social Networks
Research methodology. The article addresses the «spiral of silence» by E. Noelle-Neumann, which is considered a technology of informational influence, based on the psychological characteristics of people. The methodological basis of the study consists of descriptive and generalization methods which serve for determining the essence of the proposed model, as well as the socio-psychological approach, since the formation of human thought is related to how the individual correlates her/his opinion with the opinion of others. A method of mathematical modeling is also of scientific-practical interest, because the mathematical model of information influence formalizes the interconnection of social and psychological parameters and allows revealing the general laws of influence on the formation of the participant’s opinion on a wide range of topics.
Results. «Spiral of silence» is centered on the analogy with the spiral, at the end of which there are people who do not express their opinions because of the fear of isolation. The more personal opinion differs from the generally accepted, the lower it is on this spiral. The theory contains four basic outlines: 1. there is a «quasi-statistical» organ sensing the public opinion; 2. public opinion causes a «spiral» process, formed by the prevailing opinion of the majority; 3. individuals and groups that express minority views are under the threat of social isolation; 4. the mass media accelerate the muting of the minority in the spiral of silence. The patterns of information-psychological influence along with the reaction of information recipients are explained. An illusory effect of supporting the idea of the majority is conveyed by the mass media or referential groups. It leads to the unwillingness of the individual to openly express opinions under the strata of social sanctions, if her/his point of view does not coincide with the opinion of the majority.
Novelty. It is shown that the «spiral of silence» by Noelle-Neumann is a sociological model of communication, which manifests the laws of the effect of information influence on representatives of Internet communities. In the future, empirical studies are needed to confirm (or refute) the theoretical conclusions of the theory of «spiral of silence» and create the basis for its mathematical formalization.
The practical significance. The research results can be used in examining the opinion dynamics in the aspect of individuals’ interactions with social groups in the Internet.
Key words: informational influence, spiral of silence, Noelle-Neumann, network society, public opinion, the fear of isolation.
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