Contemporary Philosophical Conceptions of Technology in the Context of the Dynamics of Civilizations

I. Bondarenko


Research methodology. The purpose of this research is to identify the main philosophical approaches to the phenomenon of technology. This research strategy relies on the general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis as well as modelling by analogy to reconstruct objective and systematic conceptualization of technology as a multiaspectual fact of human intelligence and creativity, social dynamics and regress.

Results. This study looks at the emergence of the philosophy of technology as a new scientific paradigm. The main focus is on the taxonomy of this branch of philosophy that represents the dynamics of recognizing technology as a social and cultural phenomenon. This research finds that technology has been an important and ubiquitous factor of social reality and a subject sui generis of philosophical reflection since the mid-20th century. It was at this time that humanization of the concept of technology took place and the construction of social technology united under its umbrella different facts of public policies, efficient state formation, global communication, modern education, medicine and smart design. This study also aims to identify different taxonomic levels of the philosophy of technology. The first level represents systematic knowledge about technology as a specific result of human culture whereas the second one comprises reflection on consequences of the technological dynamics of civilization and suggests an algorithm of preventative measures for adaptation of individuals and nature to modern technogenic life. As for the third level, it codifies research related to engineering, innovation, design and production.

Novelty. This research introduces methodological findings of such foreign researchers of the philosophy of technology as J. Agassi, G. Böhme, А. Feenberg, С. Mitcham, F. Rapp, М. Wartofsky, whose concepts have remained unfamiliar to Ukrainian scientists, into the context of the national social communication science. 

The practical significance. The findings may be used as a methodological model for further research in the applied science. They may also promote the formation of transdisciplinary theory in the study of social communication technologies.

Key words: dispositive, communication, technology, applied communication technology, social technology, taxonomy, philosophy of technology.


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