Сommunicative Activities of Public Relations Services of Local Self-Government In the Cities of the Republic of Poland

V. Dreshpak, N. Babachenko


Research Methodology. During the study, methods were used: comparative analysis, structural-functional analysis and generalization.

Results. The experience of organizing communicative activities of public relations services of the city governments of Krakow, Wroclaw and Gdansk (Republic of Poland) is considered. It has been established that these structural units have high organizational status in the city government and are the main developers and coordinators of the implementation of communicative cities policy; perform not only auxiliary functions of information support of city administration and communication with residents of the city on issues related to the activities of local authorities, but also carry out strategic projects aimed at promising social and economic development of cities, provide communication with foreign audiences. During their activity these services use a wide range of social and communication technologies and tools, including modern information and communication technologies, social media, advertising facilities, various forms of direct communication with the urban population.

Novelty. Key tendencies in the organization of the activities of public relations services and their use of social and communication technologies are revealed on the example of local governments of the cities of Poland.

The practical significance. It is recommended to take into account Polish experience when modernizing public relations services of public authorities in Ukraine and changing approaches to the practice of using social and communication technologies. This modernization should be aimed at establishing a public relations service that would provide formulation and implementation of the local communicative policy and the complex use of modern social and communication technologies for work with internal and external audiences.

Key words: mass communications, public relations, communicative activities, public relations services, social and communication technologies.



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