The Interaction of International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations With Public Society in Ukraine in the Socio-Communicative Space

A. Nemesh


Research Methodology. The research uses methods of problem-chronological, comparative-historical, and typological analysis of the interaction of international structures and civil society in Ukraine.

Results.  During the years of independence in Ukraine, the international donors have gradually developed, which, supporting processes of reform and democratization, contribute to the formation of civil society. Without the help of international organizations, the activities of organisation of civil society simply could not have been possible - their budget is formed by almost 60% at the expense of external support. But Ukrainian NGOs have significant problems with access to funding in three main areas: identifying international sources of funds that meet their needs, establishing themselves as reliable long-term partners of international organizations and responding to a negative political environment. The main characteristics of the organizations of civilian socialization, which successfully receive international funding, are: good knowledge of procedures for applying to international donors, a proactive position in finding financial opportunities and the ability to identify important issues for the local community.

Achieving change requires a long-term impact of international donors, as it takes time to rouse new behaviour. On this basis, international donor organizations should be interested in the professional development of civil society organizations.

It is important to identify the internal weaknesses of Ukrainian civil society organizations. And defining ways to strengthen their internal organization through cooperation with international organizations. Civil society in Ukraine will receive many benefits from international assistance provided that citizens are more involved in the activities of organizations, with increased social trust, tolerance, openness and self-expression.

Novelty. Within the article there was explored the problem of communication between International NGO and Ukrainian civil society.

The practical significance. The results of research can be used for writing papers by scientists and journalists.

Key words: international non-governmental organizations, information, international relations, globalization, civil society, information interaction.


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