Constructing the Image of Sociocultural Reality by Means of Political Speeches (by the Example of the New Year Speeches of the President of Ukraine 2014–2017)

N. Sanakoyeva, M. Zakarliuka


Research Methodology. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis (during the development of the scientific concept), comparative, typological, descriptive, linguistic analysis (during the research of the New Year speeches of the President of Ukraine), generalization and interpretation (during the formulation of interim and general conclusions of the study).

Results. After examining the key topics, we note an appeal to the collective consciousness, adjusting values, ideas, and opinions of the audience, an influence on the formation of the «world picture» in the PR-strategies of the New Year speeches of the President of Ukraine. Thus, the image of sociocultural reality is constructed according to certain thematic directions: Motherland and its protection; association of Ukrainians; military actions associated with the Russian Federation; peaceful life; honoring the memory of soldiers and civilians; summing up the results of the year that has passed and outlining future perspectives; relations between Ukraine and Europe; religion; economic growth. These topics are repeated in New Year speeches and are aimed at the formation of the national identity of the recipients (citizens of Ukraine, Ukrainians).

Novelty. Within the scope of the article an attempt was made to perform linguistic analysis of the New Year speeches of the President of Ukraine; the topics and PR strategies of the speeches have been analyzed.

The practical significance. The results of the research can be used during further scientific developments, teaching disciplines related to the relevant subject.

Key words: political speech, ritual political speech, New Year speech by the President of Ukraine, linguistic analysis, PR strategies.


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