Socio-Cultural Dominants оf Communication

A. Polisuchenko


Research Methodology. The study used theoretical and methodological analysis, the method of analysis of scientific sources, sociolinguistic analysis, cultural analysis value of social communications.

Results. Socio-cultural dominants make for one of the most pressing issues in the study of social communications. This problem is in an interdisciplinary plane, at the intersection of sociology, cultural studies, journalism and public relations. Cultural values impose a significant imprint on the individuality of a person: their character, temperament, mentality. Mass media: radio, television, press, the internet also play a large role in this process. The study of the information society and the main socio-cultural dominant of its development is carried out within the framework of a wide variety of research paradigms, the main of which is post-industrialist, synergetic, and postmodernist. The definition of the information society, the causes of its occurrence, the nature of its socio-cultural dominant, the development prospects is due to the ideological and ideological context, as well as scientific and philosophical attitudes. Socio-cultural factors are prevailing vital values, attitudes, and cultural traditions. Social integration of communicative codes as a socio-cultural dominant of communication is the result of the natural process of interaction between literary language and dialects. The main socio-cultural dominant of communication is the crisis of culture, the birth of the phenomenon of mass culture, global problems of our time.

Novelty. Within the article, the socio-cultural dominant of communication and its impact on society are traced.

The practical significance. The results of the research can be used for the development of lectures with the disciplines "Social Communications".

Key words: social communication, socio-cultural dominants, cultural communication.



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