Causes and Consequences of Genre Transformations in Modern Print Media (Theoretical Aspect)

S. Belkova, S. Yatsun


Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization and induction. Methods of analysis, synthesis and induction were used in analysis of scientific sources and it allowed to undertake a system study of causes and consequences of genre modifications in modern print media. The generalization method allowed to formulate the article conclusions and define perspectives of further researches in this sphere.

Results. Genres have a potential to transform. This feature is a sign of genre’s efficiency, its topicality in the specific time period. With that, modifications arising as a result of transformation processes, can be subjective and objective. Among subjective modifications is worthwhile to classify positive (in particular those caused by shift in priorities or parameters, by increase of author intent, etc.) and negative ones (those arising as a result of journalistic unprofessionalism). As objective factors, we consider, first of all, shift of scientific paradigms (switch from non-classical to post-non-classical paradigm), influence of postmodernism philosophy and related mass communication practices (advertisement and PR), rapid development of electronic media, etc.

The study of genre processes is very promising branch in a modern scholarship. The research of genre modifications (essentially, of new forms of media texts), patterns of their development, use frequency will allow to deepen the concept of traditional genre system. Monitoring and research of genre novations on certain stages can be a ground for a comparative analysis, results of which will provide a basis for a modernized and contemporary journalistic genrology.

Novelty. The article analyses causes and consequences of genre transformations in a modern print media, considering best practices and theoretical researches in the field of journalism and literary studies. The article defines subjective and objective causes of genre modifications development and shows the consequences of their rise.

Practical importance. The research results can be used in the course of teaching students the disciplines of the 061 – Journalism specialty, as well as in а qualifying papers writing.

Key words: genre, genre transformations, modifications of genres, genre diffusion.


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