The Evolution of Visual art Genres in the Weekly «Korrespondent»
Research methodology. In the course of the study the method of documental sources («Korrespondent» (Correspondent) social and political journal, within 2011–2018) analysis was used, as well as monitoring and comparative method.
Results. Visual and graphic complex of printed media has been a subject of scholar researches, but modern journalistic genres, visual ones in particular, undergo significant transformations and modifications. Elaboration of these issues will allow to outline tendencies in typography of modern social and political media. The analysis of the «Korrespondent» social and political journal allowed to reveal the following trends: active use of photo collages on a cover, increasing number of photo portraits and reportage photo, involving of more forms of infographic. In the «Kultura» (Culture) section the weekly journal prints film- and cartoon-based images, film posters; the «Knizhnaia Lavka» (Bookstall) section presents photos of announced books. Sometimes the journal prints studio and art photos (for example, interior, landscape, food photo).
Novelty. Following the «Korrespondent» journal content, the article considers modern tendencies of design solutions in the typography of social and politic periodicals. The research analyzed and described visual and graphic journalistic genres, their particularities, specified their quantitative manifestation, functions, etc.
Practical importance. The study results can be used for further scholar researches, for student periodicals publication.
Key words: printed mass media design, visual and graphic journalistic genres, visual content, photo, drawing (cartoon, caricature), infographic.
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