Islam in the Light of Ukrainian Mass Media: the Main Directions of Modern Academic Researches

S. Kozyryatska


Research methodology. The research ground is the information approach; the method of scientific literature analysis was used for the general exploration of the subject, for the detection of level of theoretical study of such aspect of religious journalism, as Islamic (Muslim) topics; the generalization method was used to determine in chronological dimension the topical issues of religious journalism in the context of Islamic (Muslim) topic coverage.

Results. The article analyzes the papers of Ukrainian scholars engaged in studying of religious journalism problems in regard to the Islamic (Muslim) topic coverage in Ukrainian mass media and in chronological dimension defines the spectrum of topical issues relevant for researchers’ academic interest. The article highlights problems related to the shaping of image of Muslims and Islamic or national identity by Ukrainian media in the context of different vectors of information influence (from Russia and Western Europe countries) and duality of Russian influence vector. The article notes the situationalness and binarity in the coverage of ethnic and religious questions by Ukrainian mass media, determined not only by geopolitical situation in Ukraine and the world, but also by external media field influence, as well as by a level of journalist competence in religious questions.

Novelty. The novelty of the article consists in the systematization of academic achievements of Ukrainian scholars in the field of religious journalism in the context of Islamic (Muslim) topics coverage in Ukrainian mass media and the determination in chronological dimension the number of topical issues relevant for their academic interest. The article defines a spectrum of promising trends of academic research in this sphere, determined by geopolitical situation in Ukraine and the world, and also by external media field influence (from Russia and Western Europe countries).

The practical significance. The results of the research may serve as a theoretical basis for the further study of problems religious journalism.

Key words: ukrainian media, stereotyping of Islam, ethno-religious stereotypes, Muslims image in mass media, labelling, information influence vector.


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