Gender Concept іn Language Practice оf Ukraine’s Media

S. Ostapchuk


Resеarch methodology. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: descriptive in the study of word-building types of new renouned nouns the names of persons; method of component analysis for the analysis of the semantic structure of innovative nouns; method of detecting the features of the environment of the analyzed units; transformational methodology derivation processes in the system of nouns.

Results. The article outlines methods of generic differentiation of new nouns for the designation of persons in the modern television space. The generic differentiation of nouns on the designation of persons in the linguistic practice of present-day television channels (in 2017–2019 during the review of news on TV channels 1 + 1, STB, etc.) was traced.

It has been established that language is one of the most important sources of knowledge about gender stereotyping and its change over time. Analysis of the linguistic material allows you to determine the stereotypes that are used most often. The question of the linguistic expression of differences in the sex of nouns in the designation of persons is associated with aextended problem of the relationship between the concepts of gender and sex in the language.

It has been revealed that gender issues lie in the interdisciplinary plane and require the use of the achievements of the journalism related sciences - sociolinguistics, philology, gender linguistics, etc. The study of journalistic texts, oral statements allows us to understand more deeply the real gender situation in modern society.

The principles on which the nouns for the denotation of persons of the female genus are formed are as follows: the attachment to the nonsufic noun of the masculine form of the suffix, which forms the noun of the female genus (critic - critikesa); joining the suffixal noun of the masculine form of the suffix, which forms the noun of the female genus (regional – regionalka); replacement of the suffix in the creation of the noun of the female race from the noun of the masculine genus (piarnyk-piarnytsia).

Concepts of gender, gender stereotypes are revealed. They testify to the fact that in a modern society the gender perspective becomes especially urgent.

Novelty. In the article the morphological methods of generic differentiation of new nouns on the designation of persons are researched.

Practical importance. The results of the research can be used in the practice of institutions of higher education when reading the courses of modern Ukrainian literary language, stylistics.

Key words: gender approach, gender stereotyping, creation of feminitives, generic differentiation of nouns, television space, mass media.


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