Genre Features of the Programs of the Ukrainian Editorial Office of «Deutsche Welle»
Research methodology. Methods of monitoring, analysis and synthesis of specialized scientific literature, media publications, posted on the page of the Ukrainian editorial office of «DW», have been used to determine the genre specificity of texts. The descriptive method gave an opportunity to analyze the content specifics of materials. With the help of the method of statistical calculations, the frequency of the usage of these or those genres of journalistic materials was traced.
Results. The transition to work on the Internet gave an opportunity to use the arsenal of genre possibilities of journalism more fully while preparing the materials. Despite the cessation of broadcasting, most of the materials by genre continue to represent the Ukrainian division of «DW» as an information media. The monitoring of weekly programs of the Ukrainian editorial office demonstrated that the content is dominated by information genres (news, reviews, interviews, reports), supplemented by information analytical and analytical messages, reviews and comments. The effective usage in the practical activity of the Ukrainian editorial office of «DW» of the classical system of genres is also supported by documentary and artistic materials: outlines and author’s columns.
Novelty. It was found out that the cardinal restructuring of the Ukrainian editorial office of «DW» in connection with the transition to work on the Internet (creation of a website) and the production of videos resulted in a certain change in the genre features of the materials. The Ukrainian editorial office of «DW» also cleverly uses all the features of the classical system of genres for the successful implementation of the program concept, which helps to solve the creative tasks of the editorial office and helps to effectively convey the information to the audience.
The practical significance. The results and materials related to the effective usage of the classical system of genres, the evolution of traditional genres and the effectiveness of their impact on the audience can be used to improve the work of Ukrainian media in modern realities, in particular to strengthen their positions in the face of fierce competition at the modern media market.
Key words: genres, the Ukrainian editorial office of «DW», informational message, review, interview, comment, outline.
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