Text Content Quality of the Useful Advice Website (by the Example of the Web Resource http://poradumo.pp.ua)

O. Nazarenko


Research Methodology. Method of text materials analysis, observation and description were applied in the study.


Results. Web resources oriented at mass users are the sites of great demand in the Internet. Our attention was attracted by the site of good advice. We set the task to evaluate the quality of text content of media product http://poradumo.pp.ua. Before publishing any material in the Internet the editor must check the text for inaccuracy, spelling, grammatical and stylistic errors. But relying on available free software for spelling checking, the editor did not interfere and did not correct a number of stylistic faults. The most common mistakes are inconsistencies in gender and case, improper numeral formation, invalid degrees of comparison, incorrect use of prepositional constructions, words without any translation written in Russian, words translated incorrectly by electronic interpreter, that lead to lexical errors and Russianisms.

Novelty. Websites that belong to the sphere of mass interest are on the periphery of scientific interests. We have already investigated sites on culinary but sites of useful tips that are oriented at wide audience also deserve attention of scientists. This fact determined the relevance of this investigation.

Practical value. Results of the research can be used for language learning and for editing.

Key words: useful tips, high-quality text content, grammatical and punctuation errors.


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