Innovative Practices of Communicative Methods in Social Work with Various Groups of Clients
Research methodology. The research used methods of documental sources (content of international research and educational centers) analysis, overt observation.
Results. Modern practice of social work is based on the strengthening of personal and group resources by socialization and development of human personal potential, support for civic activity and positive changes through intensification of communities potential for the improvement of life quality for every person and development of civil society in Ukraine. Innovative practices of communicative methods in social work with various groups of clients should be based on the principles of dialogue and consideration of human needs and rights. Nonviolent communication and approach based on human rights in the practice of social work is an underlying instrument for the strengthening of possibilities of all concerned parties to participate personally in the life quality improvement, conflict solving, or decisions making. It involves the use of various innovative technologies and methods of personal development, aimed at the brainwork development, formation of values and behavior mechanisms, development of skills of decision making and interpersonal interaction problems solving, such as: couching technologies in social work, technologies of meditation and dialogue facilitation, social theatre and social animation to involve participants with various experience and from different population groups, as well as development of personal resources and group interaction.
Novelty. The article grounds the complex approach to organization of process of communication in the practice of social work with various groups of clients on the base of innovative methods, centered around of nonviolent communication and approach based on human rights.
Practical significance. The research results can be used for the development of innovation academic programmes, in the planning practice and implementation of technologies of social work with various groups of clients, in the management of social work.
Key words: dialogue, communication, nonviolent communication, social work, approach, based on human rights, meditation, social animation, facilitation.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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