Cognitive Modeling of the Scenarios of Development of Sport Communications in Ukraine

A. Karnaukh


Research methodology. The basis of the study is informational, synergistic, cultural, systemic, personal approaches; the following methods have been used: generalization of scientific experience and terminological analysis – to consider the theoretical aspects of constituents of such concepts as cognitive modeling, influencing factors and scenarios for the development of sports communications; analysis, synthesis, generalization – to determine the main factors that influence the development and formation of sports communications; grouping, abstraction – to identify the factors of the external and internal environment that form sports communications; logical and theoretical generalization – to prove the need to apply new scientific approaches and principles for the development of scenarios for the development of sports communications.

Results. The scenarios of development of sports communications in Ukraine are substantiated. Analyzed trends in the development of sports communications; factors affecting the development of sports communications in Ukraine. The influence of formal and informal factors on the development of sports communications.

Novelty. The factors influencing the development and formation of sports communications are systematized. The main factors that represent the internal and external environment that form sports communications are analyzed. A cognitive model for the development of sports communications in Ukraine has been constructed taking into account the factors of influence. Developed and substantiated scenarios for the development of sports communications in Ukraine.

The practical significance. The results of the study can be used to develop activities for the development of sports communications.

Key words: sports communications, cognitive model, influence factors, target factors, development scenarios.


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