Discursive Constructions of Ukraine Mass Media Content About the Nation and its Enemies

L. Ryzhenko


The problem of Ukrainian mass media content is closely related to the issue of Ukrainians national identity. The diametric difference of mass media operating in Ukraine information space, causes various modern myths and dredges up ghosts of past, which are not only associated with the suggestion of fears, but are also interpreted depending on the ideological bias of the particular mass media.

The article deals with the techniques of manipulating the audience with the help of mythologemes related to the issues of Ukrainians national identity.

The article object is to highlight the key characteristics of mythologemes, which are disseminated by the mass media and related to the Ukrainians national identity.

Analytical and historical methods, as well as content analysis method, were used during the writing of the article.

The content of the modern Ukrainian mass media field is based on several completely opposite narratives.

The first narrative is the following: the representatives of the previous government are to blame for everything, while the state agents of the current government are a model of virtue and honesty. People are satisfied with the new government, and fluctuations in the level of trust in its representatives is a temporary phenomenon, which is strongly fueled by the mass media of the very previous government.

The second narrative is the following: Ukraine is a state absorbed by a terminal crisis. In this context, it is very interesting to follow the structural ideological principle of a particular Ukrainian mass media.

We can see a great gap between concepts and contexts when arguing the need to articulate clear intentions to unite society into one, society for people, where the mass media should be a simple «observer-participant». This is illusory, because by their main purpose, the mass media are not serving, but shaping the public agenda.

Therefore, we observe the key differences in the content of the materials discussed above. We have a principled conceptualization of the Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian nation within the framework of the general discourse of the Ukrainian mass media.

Practical activities of the mass media, media practice of the country should feel clearly identified with the Ukrainian discourse, should be involved in the production of such a national product that leads to the unionization of society.

At the same time, the coverage of ideas of Ukrainian national unity, Ukrainian greatness, Ukrainian solidarity should not cross the line of common sense, turn into ideologemes. Real content practices should not turn into illusions. In this context, it is interesting to analyze how contemporary events are covered in the context of historical events. Therefore, we observe the key differences in the content of the materials discussed above.

Key words: audience, history, content, mass media, myth, nation.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.1(41).3


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