History of the Travel Program on Ukrainian Television

I. Mudra, M. Kitsа


The article deals with the current state of travel journalism on Ukrainian TV channels. The article describes the chronological formation and development of travel journalism on Ukrainian television as a new thematic area on domestic TV channels. Through the study of the evolution of travel programs, we can see the modern features of new travel programs and claim that modern travel programs on Ukrainian television are better and more interesting than their predecessors in the 90s and early 2000s. Each of the programs we have analyzed has its own peculiarity, which may consist in geographical coverage, thematic specificity, mastery of the presenters and more. But all these programs combine the element of travel and cognitive nature. Most of the TV shows on Ukrainian television appeared in 2011. Some of these programs were only translated for one season, while others are still broadcasted. These are the programs «Inside Out» by Dmitry Komarov and «The Eagle and the Rescue». The secret to the success of these broadcasts is authentic content, interesting program design, and, of course, mastery of the presenters. And if in the program «Eagle and Rescue» pairs of presenters are constantly changing, then in «Inside the World» the author and host of the program remains unchanged. Moreover, Dmitry Komarov’s awareness and rating is constantly growing, which gives reason to speak about his remarkable authority and skill, as well as good selected countries for travel and program format. The originals are also Eurochekin and Zarobitchany programs, where, in addition to traveling, the presenters reveal the peculiarities of living and working abroad. These transfers are of significant importance, because in Eurochekin, the presenters highlight the features of traveling abroad by own car, and in the «Earnings» – the specifics of work and earnings in different countries. In general, the results of the study indicate that modern travel programs are on the verge of a new stage of development.

Key words: travel journalism, travel shows, travel shows, travel, TV channels.


Veremchuk, T. (2011). Trevel-shou: na kraiu svitu, na mezhi zhanriv [Travel show: on the edge of the world, on the brink of genres]. Detektor Media. Retrieved from https://detector.media/-production/article/63200/2011-05-30-trevel-shou-na-krayu-svitu-na-mezhi-zhanriv/ [in Ukrainian].

Kudy i navishcho podorozhuiut na nashykh kanalakh [Where and why travel on our channels]. (2011). Medianiania. Retrieved from https://mediananny.com/obzory/16600/%D1%80%D0%B5%-D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B8/12528/a%20href= [in Ukrainian].

Pecheranskyi, I., & Katrenko, V. (2019). Kharakterystyka zhanriv trevel-zhurnalistyky [Charac-teristics of travel journalism genres]. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu kultury i mystutstv. Seriia: Audiovizualne mystetstvo i vyrobnytstvo, 2 (1), 33–41 [in Ukrainian].

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.1(41).8


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