Book Trailer Peculiarities: Ukrainian and World Experience
The purpose of the study is to analyze the aesthetic and cultural-educational peculiarities of the booktrailer as a phenomenon of publishing. The paper provides a comparative analysis of Ukrainian and foreign booktrailers in order to identify conceptual differences. The methodology of the study is the use of common scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. The booktrailer has long been studied in the paradigm of marketing and advertising or librarianship, which left it beyond the attention of scholars to understand it as an aesthetic phenomenon. In the process of presenting the main paper theses, the means of formal, figurative, stylistic and comparative analysis were used, which made it possible to reveal the aesthetic and cultural-educational peculiarities of Ukrainian and foreign booktrailers.
The scientific novelty of the paper is the comprehensive study of the booktrailer as a phenomenon of publishing. The comparative analysis of Ukrainian and world book trailers revealed fundamental differences caused by the features of creation (developers and purpose of creation). The current state of development of the booktrailer in Ukraine is characterized by the fact that it is created mainly by fans. Ukrainian booktrailers are currently mostly book-based presentations and descriptive features. Today, the most common in Ukraine is a booktrailer based on book illustrations and slideshows of works. In this case, the contents of the books contents are mechanically transferred to the monitor. In turn, foreign booktrailers are created as a figurative audiovisual series designed to convey the atmosphere of a work of art, to give the impression of a book. If in foreign booktrailers the aesthetic function comes to the fore, then Ukrainian analogues tend to emphasize cultural and educational.
Key words: booktrailer, book promotion, publishing phenomenon, aesthetic peculiarities, cultural and educational function.
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