Positioning of corporate social responsibility of pharmaceutical companies by means of PR

V. Berezenko, N. Sanakoeva, T. Ivanets


The main emphasis is paid to the study of business social responsibility to the society. In particular, the experience of corporate social responsibility of business in the field of pharmacy on the basis of the activities of the companies «Pharmak», «Darnitsa» and «Bayer» is analyzed.

The essential features of the concept of «social responsibility of business» are investigated and the necessity of implementation of social responsibility in the system of strategic management of pharmaceutical companies as a necessary condition for ensuring their competitiveness is grounded. Importance of the initial formation of a correct and effective strategy for positioning of pharmaceutical companies social responsibility along with tracing its relevance, maintaining the attractiveness of the position for target consumers were accentuated.

In a scientific research it was revealed that according to European practice corporate social responsibility extends to seven areas: respect for the human rights; compliance with legal requirements; business and corporate ethics; protection of the environment; cooperation with stakeholders: employees, consumers, shareholders, the community, business entities; observance of international standards of behavior; transparency and accountability.

The study found that a basic level of a social responsibility is a necessary component of the activities of economic entities that implement this policy. Struggle for personal reputational capital is the main task of increasing the volume of goodwill for any pharmaceutical company. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to show humanization of their business, their social responsibility to society and involve all PR tools.

Key words: positioning, corporate social responsibility of business, meansof PR, reputation capital.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.1(41).15


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