Advertising in the Sociology Focus: Methodological Background of the Research
The article deals with the problem of contemporary advertising, which is an important institutional factor in the construction of certain lifestyles of individuals and social groups.
The purpose of the article is to identify the basic methodological principles of advertising research as a social phenomenon that can be used by sociological science to monitor the content and nature of communication processes between advertisers and consumers in contemporary Ukrainian society.
The article used the methods of analysis and synthesis of the proposed topic to clearly define the topic, determine the purpose and objectives. The descriptive method was used to substantiate the appropriateness of using the theories of theorists to form the methodological basis of the sociology of advertising. Methods of grouping and typologization allowed to form a schematic representation of the use of certain groups of sociological methods and theories in the study of advertising and advertising influence on the consumer in the focus of sociology. The method of analyzing documentary sources has helped to identify methods and theories that can be effectively applied in the deployment of scientific surveys of sociologists in the study of advertising space and its features.
The study identified the conceptual foundations of advertising research in the sociological plane, namely: sociological theories relating to the integrative paradigm of sociology, theory of consumption, marketing and management theory, the theory of social and ethical marketing, classical and modern theories of advertising technologies, publicity.
Key words: advertising, sociology of advertising, advertising methodology, information and communication technologies, manipulation, PR.
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