Structural and Typological Features of the Transition of Printed Publications of the Donetsk Region to the Network
In the course of the study, the theoretical foundations of the work were specified using a descriptive method. The monitoring method was used to capture and perform an initial analysis of the data obtained from the sites and printed versions of the newspaper’s, as well as to collect the material required to disclose the topic of the material. The method of comparison allowed us to establish the similarity and difference between indicators and definitions. The traditional methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the structural method, have been used to summarize and systematize the data obtained.
At this point in the scientific discourse on the theme of the digital transformation of newspapers critical lacks conceptual works. We can assume that this is due to the changing trends of digital development, which make it difficult to develop a common vision and common understanding of theoretical approaches to the problem.
We have identified and confirmed the following trends:
– reducing the frequency of certain print media (the publication is becoming weekly)
– reduction in the number of newspapers;
– readership of publications is diverse, but remains unchanged (information, advertising and general political prevail editions)
– creation of special online versions to support traditional print media (integration of traditional media with the Internet)
– advantages of the sites over the printed version;
– active introduction of the use of social networks in the activities of the media of Donetsk region.
It was found that the example of successful application of the strategy «print-first» (first on paper) are the newspapers «Priazovskiy rabochiy» and «Sobytiya». While the newspaper «Znamya industrii» differs with the transition to the model «convergent-first» (initially convergence).
The article discusses the structural and typological changes in the print media of the Donetsk region during the transition to the network and identifies the development trends of print media on the network from 2012 to 2019.Media transform more and more under the influence of time, so regional print media require popularization, transformation and integration of web spaces to meet the needs of the audience.
Key words: online edition; online media; network media; informational portal; print mass-media; print site; social media; social network.
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