Motion Capture Systems in Augmented Reality: Varieties and Specificity of Their Applications in the Practice of Promotional Communications
In this study there were identified the main varieties of existing motion capture systems (mocap) that can be used primarily to create three-dimensional animation for augmented reality; as well as established their specific features, and also demonstrated the examples of the practical use of certain types of such systems in promotional communications.
This study unleashes the specificity of the functioning of non-marker and all types of marker motion capture systems – optical (optically passive and optically active, including «performance capture» as well as hybrid) and non-optical (acoustic, magnetic, mechanical and inertial).
There were analyzed two practical promotional cases: the American social PR project «Love Has No Labels» and the Japanese commercial brand «ZozoTown» («ZozoSuit»).
It has been found that in the practice of promotional communications inertial-type mocap systems with full magnetic interference are most actively used, since they can be used directly during mass AR-actions, primarily due to their portability and ability to function in a limited space.
It has also been revealed that AR-actions using motion capture systems are conducted primarily to create positive WOM and media resonances, allowing to significantly diversify the arsenal of communication tools with the target audience, as well as to increase the quality and efficiency of promotional messages, which in sum boosts the publicity capital.
Other varieties of mocap systems (with exception of non-marking one, which works through computer vision) are not used in real time regime for promotional events primarily due to their cumbersome nature. However, they can be employed to create realistic 3D animation for future utilization in promotional campaigns, projects, and actions using augmented reality technologies.
Key words: motion capture systems (mocap), augmented reality (AR), promotion, empirical marketing.
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