Posts From Press Services of Regional-Level Public Authorities: Structure and Stylistics

V. Dreshpak


The article discusses the structural and stylistic aspects of the posts from press services of the
Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa regional state administrations, which are available on their websites. The
relevance of this study is caused by the transformation of the system of mass communication of public
authorities with citizens, in particular, the expansion of the sphere of direct contacts of public authorities
with their target audiences without the mediation of the media and the need to form a complete
cycle of media production on the basis of press services. This requires an appropriate level of organization
of communication of public authorities with the public and the qualification of staff.
The purpose of the article is to identify the structural and stylistic features of the posts from press
services of regional public authorities on their websites.
Studies performed using methods: comparative analysis, content analysis, analysis and synthesis.
It has been demonstrated that news posts from press services on official web-sites of regional-level
public authorities have styling features of both PR-products and journalistic works. It is suggested that
this is due to the desire to implement in one information flow its own information function and the function
of public opinion management.
Comparison of posts from the press services regional state administrations revealed different approaches
to the structure and stylistics of these texts. The materials of the press service of the Dnepropetrovsk
Regional State Administration are structured according to a single model and stylistically
close to publications in Internet editions, and Odessa – have structural differences, but stylistically
more to press releases. In studied reports revealed a number of common stylistic defects, indicating a
need for further work to improve the quality of media products.
Key words: press service, web site, structure of media reports, style of media reports, public authorities.


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