Communicative Competence in Political Discourse (Based on the Example of Official Pages of Member’s of Parliament on the Facebook Social Network)

T. Sashchuk


The article presents the results of the study of the communicative competence of the politicians on the basis of the analysis of their messages on their official pages of the Facebook social network. The research used the following general scientific methods: descriptive and comparative, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The quantitative content analysis method with qualitative elements was used to distinguish the peculiarities of information messages that provide communication of the deputies of Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) on their official Facebook pages. Information messages have been analyzed by the following three criteria: subject matter, structure and language.


For the first time the article draws a parallel between communicative competence and the ability to communicate with voters on the official pages of Facebook which is the most popular social network in Ukraine. As it is established, communicative competence in the analyzed cases is caused not by education, but by previous professional activity of a politician. The most successful and high-quality communication was from the current parliamentarian who worked as a journalist in the past. More than half of the messages that provided successful communication consisted of sufficiently structured short text and a video. The topic covers the activity of the parliamentarian in the Verkhovna Rada and in his district. More than half of the messages are spoken in the first person.

The findings of the study can be used in teaching such subjects as Political PR and Electronic PR, and may be of interest to politicians and their assistants.

Key words: competence and competency, communicative competence, political discourse, official page of the deputy of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Facebook social network, subject matter and structure of the information message, first-person narrative, correspondence of communication to the level of communicative competence.


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