Serial and Political Show as New Forms of Political Media Communication
During the 2019 election campaign in Ukraine, one of the candidates successfully used the serial and political show.
The purpose of the article is to describe the use of the serial and political show in the election campaign, to find out the reasons for the successful use of these new forms of political media communication.
The study applied the method of social and psychological justification of electoral behavior under the influence of non-traditional forms of political media communication. The theoretical basis of the study is the theories of cognitive dissonance and cognitive congruence, social perception and causal attribution, as well as the socio-communication model of the «spiral of silence».
It is established that the success of the serial and political show in the election campaign is due to a number of factors: the presence of social expectations in society, a paradigm shift, social cognitive dissonance. It is found out that with the help of the TV serial the image of V. Zelensky as a successful and democratic president was formed in the voters’ minds, as well as the idea of a majority opinion was artificially created. With the help of a political show in which V. Zelensky acted as president and other political figures, the audience was convinced that his election victory was irreversible. He has become a well-known person among the population thanks to the popular serials and films that are broadcast on the television channel, which is the leader among the population in ratings and trust. This data confirms the long-term impact of television and impact of media linked to political parties on the election results. The results of the article can be used in planning political campaigns and in further studies of the influence of the media on voter behavior.
Key words: applied communication technologies, elections, media, television, political technologies, media psychology.
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