Advocacy Journalism as a Global Media Practice and Meta-Genre
The article deals with the latest phenomenon of advocacy journalism. Given the insufficient research in journalistic scientific discourse, the lack of the term definition, the uncertainty of the features and conditions of successful functioning, the topic is relevant. As a result of considering the works of international and Ukrainian journalistic experts, analyzing the media activity of international journalists, a systematized concept of journalism as advocacy is formulated. Methods, functions, topics, principles of interaction with the character and genre parameters of advocacy media activity are considered as defining characteristics.
The article defines such methods of advocacy journalist work as actualization of problems, provision of information, investigation, expression of alternative point of view on problems, «human stories», forecasting. It was found that the topics covers the most pressing problems, including poverty, inequality, corruption, fertility, urbanization, and religiosity.
As functional characteristics are considered the depiction of burning aspects of daily life, the development of civic qualities of the individual, the defense of human rights, the formation of effective-positive affirmations, the resolution of practical tasks and problematic situations.
The considered examples of human rights advocacy media texts of international production allow to claim that advocacy journalism of the beginning of the ХХІ century is a multivector, polythematic, multifunctional meta-genre. Due to their broad problem-thematic coverage, humanistic pathos, human rights defenders-journalists today do not simply state facts and inform the national or global public about incurable social diseases, but comprehensively consider their etiology and current state, stimulate legislative, institutional and community activities on settling the acute issues of humankind, mobilize society to find ways to solve them.
Key words: advocacy journalism, mass media, meta-genre, journalism as human rights defense, the latest media practices.
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