Professions of Journalism at Radio in the Period of Convergent Broadcasts
The article’s research used the analysis scientific-sources base on a select question, web-sites of the stations (media concern TAVR Media and Internet-station SKOVORODA), monitoring.
Broadcast relieve some periods of improvement, evolution and development, based on it’s features. One of the progress’ reason is technology development connected with radio. The end of last century and twenty years of current one characterise by universalism and convergence, that let media, beyond broadcast, had got the characteristics it never had before: watch the radio, fast connection between audience representers, communication with station’s journalists.
It made some influence and changes on the principles of formatting and functioning journalists professions at the radio. First, media concerns started to appeared, which have some stations in their structure, that have same top managers, almost similar department, close principles of airing. Second, Internet-stations let their audience the possibility to observe the air.
During the research, we defined, the administration of TAVR Media has the managers on each direction: manager of radio group, financial manager, commercial one (responsible for the sale), marketing director, (pr and image), general producer (manage musician direction), the station’s director.
Today, station has to work in active way and communicate with their audience, using messengers, profiles in social media. As a result, radio stations have in their arsenal person or group of persons which responsible for that activity. For example, web-radio SKOVORODA has a man, who manage
IT-work. Main duties of him: work with social medias, site content, deal with e-mail. Station’s of TAVR Media group (Melodiya FM, Relax, Radio Rocks, Russkoye Radio v Ukrayini, KISS FM, ХІТ FM) also have representers of modern professions: the head of digital department, traffic manager, system admin, etc.
Comparative analysis of the professions at radio, which include in the concern TAVR Media and web-station SKOVORODA did in the articleIn.
The research results can be used during the further study of radio journalism, teaching of one’s subject during the process of study students at faculture journalism, business media, management, etc.
Key words: fm-broadcast, web-radio, journalist professions, media concern, radio presenter.
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