Internet Media about Literature and Books in Terms of Cultural Journalism

E. Ohar


The object of the study in this article is internet media, which have fulfilled a professional and at the same time an important socio-cultural functions over the last decade: to reflect on the phenomena, events, facts of the modern literary and publishing process. In the Ukrainian scientific discourse, these media are mostly seen as tools for promoting book or as a platform for literary criticism. The article suggests comprehending the phenomenon in terms of journalism studies, which allows further analysis of the content generated by them in the aspect of cultural journalism.

The subject of the study is the typological characteristics of the analysed media – «LitAzkent», «Bukvoyid», «Chytomo», «BaraBuka, Space of Ukrainian Children’s Literature», «Buckmol» which hold a strong position in the relevant segment of media market. They have been selected for consideration as the ones 1specializing in literary and book issues, 2) not having a «printed history» and created as online electronic media only, 3) targeted at a wide audience, presented by both professionals and readers.

Based on the analysis of the elements of self-identification and auto-promotion, the content of the media resources directly, different reviews in specialized mass media, as well as taking into account broad understanding of the concept «book» as a semantic equivalent of the concept «book culture», the reasons have been presented to identify these media as «book ones».

The problem of identification of the internet discourse on literary and book artifacts as a kind of cultural journalism has been considered, the reasons that slow down its full development have been identified, the necessity of its further study has been emphasized.

Key words: іnternet media, book journalism, cultural journalism, criticism.


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