Coverage of the Holodomor Tragedy (1932–1933) in the Topical Programs of the Ukrainian Editorial Offfice of Voice Of America, Bbc, Dw, Vatican Radio, And Radio Liberty

I. Tsyperdiuk



The article analyzes the work of the Ukrainian editorial office of Voice of America, BBC, DW, Vatican Radio, and Radio Liberty, which traditionally cover the Holodomor theme, showing different sides of this tragic event. Monitoring of the materials that are about the next anniversary of the Holodomor was done, and it was found out how effectively the editorial office was able to present this complex topic.

It is shown that the Ukrainian editorial offices of foreign radio stations reported on the Holodomor of the Ukrainian people of 1932–1933, which was arranged by the Soviet regime, throughout the entire history of their broadcasting. Ukrainian editorial offices of Vatican Radio, Voice of America, and Radio Liberty have become the voice of the enslaved Ukrainian people for decades, who could not tell the world about the genocide when being under occupation. Due to their programs and materials, this topic did not dissolve in the general information flow.

When covering the 86th anniversary of the Holocaust victims of 1932–1933, Ukrainian editorial offices of Voice of America, BBC, DW, and Radio Liberty have shown an example of comprehensive coverage of a complex historical topic. The programs and materials that analyze the greatest tragedy of the Ukrainian people are intended to show in detail the perpetrators of this terrible crime and the victims, who should not be forgotten. The work of the Ukrainian editorial offices in this direction is fully in line with the best world practice, when the media helps society to realize and understand the horrific pages of their past, in order to learn the truth and move into the future.

Against the backdrop of numerous articles on the Holodomor prepared by Ukrainian editorial offices of Voice of America, BBC, DW, and Radio Liberty in 2019, there has been little involvement of the domestic media in this regard. This demonstrates that Ukrainian society, and with it, the media environment, continues to overcome the difficult path of restoring historical memory, establishing the causes of national defeats and tragedies, the largest of which was the genocide of Ukrainians in 1932–1933.

Key words: Holodomor, genocide, the Ukrainian editorial offices of Voice of America, BBC News Ukrainian, DW, Radio Liberty, Vatican Radio.



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