Problems of Thematic and Genre Content in Informative Programs of Regional TV Channels
In order to understand the full image concerning activity of regional TV channels we used the comparative analysis method. Due to its components such as analogy, analysis and composition, comparing separate events and processes (in order to conduct its quality and quantity characteristics) we reached the possibility to identify similarities and differences in approaches, management, styles of TV channels in Odesa region, Poltava region, Sumy region and Chernivtsi region. Taking as a basis a fact that absolutely different issues are to be compared, subjects of research are TV channels both similar, and different according to its technical capacities, resource capabilities such as city and regional level TV channels.
We concluded that regional television channels, which, in turn, differ in the number of employees, transmitter power, coverage radius of the broadcast signal, etc., to considerable extent lack of genre diversity, the breadth of themes. The reasons for this are, on the one hand, in insufficient financial and economic opportunities, and on the other hand, in the absence of creativity, unwillingness to change something in their work. In addition, as the study shows, not in all cases the decisive factors here are the scale of the channel, the number of employees, and the level of resource support.
Regional television channels and regional media as a whole are currently functioning in conditions of incredible competition in the market for information influence, a substantial increase in content, thematic offerings at times, in conditions of expanding communication platforms and the source database. Thematic content of the news, their genre diversity are peculiar markers in the work of regional TV channels. Scientists in Ukraine and abroad continue to research on these issues. According to significance of reserves identification in news editors office, we also consider the researches of regional media is still needed. Research novelty consists in comparison of certain directions both similar and different on its organizational framework, coverage radius of the broadcast signal.
Small TV channels on city level as a rule are not involved into nationwide monitoring, conducted by non-governmental media organizations. They do not conduct its own monitoring and researches. Obtained results, conclusions and recommendations can be used for introduction of alternations in working process by TV- and radio companies, more specifically by editors office of informative programs.
Key words: news, typesetting, video messages, plot, audience, synchronization, TV presenter.
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