Challenges Of Creating Innovative E-Books For Children In Ukraine

M. Stakhiv


The article deals with the wide assortment of electronic textbooks in in the Ukrainian publishing market, the understanding differece of approaches to the creation of electronic books.

The article analyses basic principles of creating electronic books, such as augmented reality books and mobile applications. The problems of creating electronic books, their standardization and storage have been highlighted. The prospects for further research and the ebook development options have been described. The most popular ebooks in the Ukrainian book market, like «Снігова королева», «Ґаджетаріум», «Мама поспішає додому», «Завітай у гості», «Антоміми», «Гарбузовий рік», «Котигорошко», from different publishing houses are analyzed. The marketing and distribution success of the most popular Ukrainian book with augmented reality «Аліса в країні Див» has been outlined.

Discussions on e-piracy in Ukraine and the reluctance of readers to pay for e-content that can be accessed online, and distribution channels for pirated e-content have been analyzed. The particular attention is paid on the concept of creation of the e-books and major publishers in the publishing market.

Discussions on e-piracy in Ukraine and the unwillingness to pay for e-content that can be accessed online, and distribution channels for pirated e-content have been analyzed.

Competitors for electronic publications for children such as television, social networks like Youtube чи Instagram, Snapchat or Tik-Tok and messengers have been outlined.

Summarizing our analysis, we can highlight that Ukrainian book market is growing and needs new players. Making e-books and apps takes time and money. Scientists, who are researching publishing can’t talk about market statistics right now, because the Book Chamber of Ukraine don’t have any reliable one. It is difficult to determine what e-books will look like in the future, what technologies will be used in ten years or more. E-books for children should be of high quality, attractive, modern and interesting for their readers.

Key words: e-textbook, e-book, augmented reality, mobile applications, QR, AR.


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