Application of Multimedia Technologies for the Establishment of Electronic Edition
One of the main ways to reorganize the educational process in the field of education and science is to make changes related to rapid technological progress. A priority for teachers is the need to keep the student's attention on new material and meet his / her needs for constantly updated, up-to-date information. The leading tool in achieving these goals is the digitization of the educational process: it involves the translation of content in all its forms - text, graphics, audio - in a digital format, which makes it easy to transport the material of offline publications by any channel of electronic communication.
The purpose of this work is to determine the functionality of the multimedia environment in the process of editorial preparation of e-learning publications in foreign experience. The stated purpose implies the fulfillment of the following tasks: analyze the selected e-learning edition and determine the list of basic multimedia elements.
Research methods. Due to the multidimensionality of the chosen topic, such methods as the method of terminological analysis was used to develop the conceptual apparatus; synthesis method - to identify the foundations of editorial training multimedia educational publications; methods of analogy and systematization - to characterize trends in the development of multimedia publications; a descriptive method for presenting an analysis of a selected publication and a comparative method for identifying features of multimedia educational publications and comparing them with traditional (paper) counterparts. The scientific novelty of the work is to determine the methodology of editing the multimedia textbook for college students and students, as well as to evaluate the functionality of the multimedia publication, its features and methods of preparation.
Key words: e-learning publication, multimedia, multimedia educational publication, editing.
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