Voice Acting in Television Production: Theoretical Aspect
This article discusses the basic approaches of translating foreign content on television as voice. The peculiarities of the professional approach to the case are analyzed, as well as the basic terms used in everyday work with different types of audiovisual translation are classified. Factors such as lip-sync, voyce-over, extralinguistics, and others have been widely used in practicing voice acting and play an important role in almost any translation process. The scientific works of such specialists as V. Gorshkova, S. Kuzmichov, M. Savko, T. Chernyayeva and others were analyzed, which revealed the main stages of the voice work process. Other types of translation are also analyzed, such as subtitling, dubbing, simultaneous translation and voiceover. The main differences in translation for subtitling and translation for duplication have been identified, as well as the main examples of adaptation of translation for a country with distinct cultural features, such as translation of audiovisual content. The basic competences required for translation are revealed: ability to perceive foreign vocabulary by ear, ability to separate the main from the minor, knowledge of system equivalents and ability to extract them, having an arsenal of situational idioms, proper pronunciation and speaker’s skills. The opinions of different scholars were combined and the basic concept of «duplication of audiovisual content» was deduced. Namely, it is a multilingual transmission of content that is one of the most common types of translation for film, video and television products. This term also means a special recording technique that allows you to replace the soundtrack of a movie with the recording of the original dialogue soundtrack with the recording of the dialogue in the language of translation.
Key words: voicing, re-voicing, subtitration, simultaneous translation, audio description, duplication of audiovisual content.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.2(42).19
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