Mainstreaming of the Use of Three-Dimensional Animation and the Specificity of its Perception in Augmented Reality: Communication Aspect

Yu. Shchehelska


This study elucidates the main communication issues that arise from audiences’ interaction with three-dimensional animation of different types in augmented reality, as well as identifies the major 3D animations’ varieties used by brands to create AR and MR promotional campaigns.

The results of the study are based, in particular, on the analysis of AR cases of 27 commercial and social brands that used 3D animation for promotional purposes in 2010–2019.

It is ascertained that in the promotional practice there is used 3D predefined animation of a cartoon type, as well as 3D predefined and procedural non-homomorphic photorealistic animation. At the same time, three-dimensional procedural animation of cartoon type, as well as photorealistic animation of people (either predefined or procedural), was not used by any of the studied brands for the purpose of promotion.

The research revealed that in the field of promotion three-dimensional photorealistic animation of people, primarily of procedural type, is not used because it creates the majority of communication problems in the interaction of the audience with it. Real people’s displeasure with the animated ones arises, first of all, because of the “uncanny valley effect”, which is caused, in particular, by the technical difficulties with 3D rendering of human emotions and body language in real-time (including proxemics in a virtual environment); visual tracking of human movements by animated character; the naturalness and synchronicity of the language (above all, the content of the cues) and the sound of the voice of three-dimensional persons (its timbre, rhythmics, emotionality).

In general, today from a technical point of view photorealistic non-homomorphic animation is the most advanced 3D animation type, which explains the popularity of its use in the practice of promotional communications. Its predefined variety is most commonly used by automotive brands to create AR-campaigns, whereas procedural one is used in creating MR-campaigns, mainly for cosmetic and interior brands.

The predefined 3D animation of cartoon type was used to promote those commercial brands, which final consumers were, above all, children. However, some companies have used this kind of animation to create AR-based adult promotional events held in conjunction with the holiday and symbolic dates. The popularity of the use of 3D animation of cartoon type in the field of promotion is explained, first of all, by the fact that people at a subconscious level have a positive attitude towards cartoon characters as such.

Key words: augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), 3D animation, promotional communications.


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