Gendered Language In the Newspaper and Television Space of Ukraine: a Modern Vision
The article describes the generic differentiation of nouns for the designation of persons in the modern newspaper and TV space; covered the use of gender endings in the language practice of mass communication; it is determined that forms of both genera – male and female can be formed from most profession’s names. Attention is paid to the expediency of using feminine and masculine or common gender instead of the common masculine. Gender issues in language communication are discussed. Gender and professional communication has outlined.
In the scientific context, different approaches to gender theories have been covered: sociological and linguistic. The general tendency of the gender approach to socio-cultural reality is revealed: naming the feminitives and masculinitives, social roles and processes, giving them the features, expressiveness.
There are two sets of feminitives: the first is nouns that call women by different characteristics: family ties, nationality, profession, position, and so on. The second group of feminitives are nouns that call females animals.
It has been established that the media play an important role in shaping public opinion, evaluating events, influencing the image of modern men and women and shaping our gender stereotypes.
It is revealed that the most productive is the suffix – k-, by which the most feminine innovations are now formed, the suffix – its- – the second word-forming productivity, the suffix – in- generates feminitives from the masculine bases to – ets, – log or consonant.
It is revealed that the new spelling has approved the use and the most productive models of feminitives’ creation.
It has been found that the most promising and well-grounded area of analysis of the peculiarities of male and female language is the study of the tactics of speech behavior of men and women in different communicative situations, taking into account the cultural tradition of a particular society.
Key words: gender, gender language, language culture, gender endings, feminitives, gender differentiation of nouns, gender approach, media, TV space.
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