Implementation of Analytical and Prognostic Function by the Social Institution of PR
The purpose of the article is to determine the ways of implementing the analytical and prognostic function of the social institution of PR in Ukraine, to identify the methods of work of PR specialists with analytical data, to determine the main methods of forecasting in the field of public relations.
Research methodology. This goal has led to the use of such research methods: analysis and synthesis in the study of theoretical aspects of working with analytical data and the forecasting method, classification upon detection of relevant methods of processing analytical information by the social institution of PR.
Results. The article analyse the use of analytic information in the formation of practices of application of bilateral models of PR-communication with the aim of their implementation to reduce the severity of social tension and establish public consensus.
The essential features of the «analytical and prognostic function» concept are revealed and the necessity of its realization in the system of strategic management of PR-communications as a mandatory component of ensuring the competitiveness of PR-practices of basic subjects of public relations is substantiated.
Scientific research has revealed that in accordance with the practice of working out the information policy of the basic subjects of public relations, determining their strategies and tactics, the role of analytical data and methods of forecasting PR actions is increasing.
Attention is focused on the fact that important for the social institution of PR is not only the initial formation based on the use of analytical data and practices for predicting communication actions within the correct and effective strategy for positioning the basic subjects of public relations, but also tracking its relevance for use in the future in order to preserve the effectiveness of the position of companies for target groups of the public.
Novelty. The scientific novelty is the conclusion that simple data fixation is not a tool for predicting the development of a situation, it makes sense to process the collected analytical material and disclose the content of research carried out in the form of interpreting the facts obtained and showing the prospects for their use in the development of PR situations.
The practical significance. The analytical process in the field of public relations management should be considered as a procedure for searching, collecting, processing and presenting information in a form suitable for use in making management decisions, as a process of converting primary information into secondary information, that is, as a process of preparing a fundamentally new product intended for use in planning PR activities.
Key words: PR, social institution of PR, analytical-prognostic function, analytical data, forecasting.
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