Professional Communication of Investigative Gournalists on Modern Online Platforms
The purpose of the article is to find out the features of professional communication of investigative journalists on modern online platforms.
Research methodology. During the research the author used the following methods: general scientific method (observation, description, analysis, synthesis, generalization of information on communication of investigative journalists) and a special method of quantitative content analysis with qualitative elements to identify features of professional communication of investigative journalists on Facebook social net.
Results. The article focuses on the specific features of professional communication of investigative journalists on modern online platforms, in particular in the specialized «Resource Center for Investigative Journalists» online hub, on the official Facebook pages of the relevant media and on the personal pages of investigative journalists. The materials of the open part of the resource center are aimed at providing recommendations and advice on the practical experience of investigative journalists, which is more relevant for novice journalists.
It is established that the posts on the official pages of the analyzed publications are characterized by a sustained structure, which is clearer and more original in «»; posts on the page of the «Schemes: corruption in detail – RFERL» TV program are built on the structure of the inverted pyramid, except for the last question «Why?», which is answered by the main material. Posts on the personal pages of investigative journalists are marked by emotional, conversational, and in some cases unceremonious style of communication. At the same time, there is a tendency for well-known investigative journalists to neglect not only the following of a certain structure, but also the advice of researchers on the mandatory visual accompaniment of textual material.
Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of professional communication of investigative journalists on modern online platforms.
Practical meaning. The results of the study can be included in the teaching materials when teaching the basics of investigative journalism. In addition, they will be useful for investigative journalists in planning communication with readers on modern online platforms.
Key words: investigative journalism, professional communication of investigative journalists, resource center of investigative journalists, Facebook social network, social network post.Full Text:
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