The article explores the concept of Internet communication as one of the important aspects of media formation in general. Today, this issue requires more detailed scientific observation, because the work of employees of online publications is fundamentally different from the work of journalists in traditional media and poses a number of problems, due to the fact that there is direct communication, reducing the distance in the «journalist – consumer» system. In this context, the concept of communication is fundamentally changing and the «Internet communication» term appears, which contains certain inaccuracies in the definition due to the emergence of such a science as online journalism.
The aim of the study is to study the mechanisms of Internet communication as key parameters of the media industry.
Research methodology: the method of collecting research material, the method of expert evaluations, systematization, interpretation, content analysis, discourse analysis was implemented in the work.
Results. The communicative needs of today’s society are quite diverse. The evolution and rapid development of the Internet is not surprising, because it quickly saturates the «information market», and this leads to a reconsideration of information demand and public attitudes. Consumers today are more demanding, demanding «fresh» information. There is some need for reverse communication processes between journalists and consumers. Internet communications belong to the type of social communications, because the network is public, does not contain age or other boundaries, extends to all segments of society, reflects the various directions of life and the functioning of society more powerfully and enough accurately.
Unconditional is the presence of information and communication approach to understanding information, which can be schematically displayed as follows: source of information → transmitter → channel → receiver → information achieving the goal. In the Internet, communication between authors and consumers occupies a prominent place, a large role in this process is given to forums and chats, where there are reviews of the material read or seen.
The article presents a questionnaire covering 560 respondents, outlines the attitude of the audience, and gives reasons for trust in blogs, which currently exceeds the level of trust in traditional media.
Novelty. The article analyzes the specifics of Internet communication as a leading factor in shaping public opinion, in particular, examines the structure and type of blogging and their impact on the mass consciousness.
Practical significance. The results of the study help to trace the current communicative and information content of blogs, and can also be used in further research on Internet communication.
Key words: blogs, Internet communications, mechanisms of thought formation, Internet publications, Internet journalism.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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