The Phenomenon of Mythologizing Serial Production: Sociological Interpretations

N. Hlebova


The research objective is a sociological interpretation of mythologized forms of influence based on certain stereotypes of social experience.

Research methodology. The method of comparative analysis establishes the typological features of serial production as a phenomenon of mass culture of the XX century. The method of express survey of viewership preferences among senior pupils studied the current trends in the use of mythologizing as a means of creating a serial product for young viewing audience.

Results. The article considers the phenomenon of mythologizing of serial production, clarifies the role and significance of the myth in the creation of a modern popular serial product and its reflections in the modern viewers' perception. The data of surveys on the cinematic preferences of Ukrainians and the author's study of preferences among senior pupils show trends in the direction of the viewers interests of Ukrainian youth and senior pupils in recent years to the genre of mythologized series, its genre diversity and artistic potential in modern mass culture development by cinematic means. The article observes such specific qualitative changes as the actualization of social issues and the diversification of manifestations of the myth phenomenon in serial production and active use in the products' creation.

Novelty. The article finds the connection between the use of myth as an artistic means of creating an exaggerated picture of certain aspects of reality and reflection of myth in the modern viewers' perception, which indicates the active use of myth as a tool to establish psychological interaction.

Practical meaning. The results of sociological interpretation of the myth reflection in the modern viewers' perception as an artistic means of creating an exaggerated picture of certain aspects of reality on the example of a serial product can be used to study sociocultural stereotypes of formation of the general viewership perception, including senior pupils and students.

Key words: myth consciousness, serial TV and film production, youth spectator audience, sociological interpretation.


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