Modern Discoursology: Sociolinguistic Aspect
The purpose of the article is to reveal discourse as a complex phenomenon that «permeates» various scientific planes.
Research methods. During the study, the following methods were used: descriptive (to indicate theoretical background); analysis and synthesis, structural (to summarize and systematize the data obtained).
Results. In particular, the authors draw attention to the linguistic and social parameters of discourse understanding. Particular role in the article is given to discourse analysis as a sign of the language code, immersed in the social environment. It is defined as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, based on sociology, psychology, development of artificial intelligence, ethnography, semiotics, stylistics, philosophy. The paper also analyzes the reasons for the diversity of approaches to sociological analysis of discourse, approaches to the study of the problem of interpretation of the concept of «discourse», delimits the meaning of the terms «text», «discourse», «speech», clarifies the categories, units and structure of discourse, and describes some its typological features.
In the article, the authors emphasize the nature of discourse, which is related to two aspects – pragmatic and cognitive. Next, they substantiate the psycholinguistic parameters of discourse. In particular, two points of view are characterized: 1) proper linguistic, that is, discourse as a result; 2) linguocognitive, that is, discourse as a process.
Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to uncover the sociolinguistic vectors of discourse through the prism of its psycholinguistic parameters.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in complex studies of the sociological and psychological nature of discourse and in the training of sociologists, psychologists and journalists.
Key words: discourse, discourse analysis, text, speech, sociolinguistics.
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