Cultural Topics in the Focus of Modern Ukrainian Newspapers (on the Example of Newspapers «Day», «VZ», «UM», «LG»)
The purpose of the study is to find out the place of cultural topics in the modern Ukrainian press and the degree of interest of readers in this topic.
Research methodology. To study the topic of the article, methods of analogy, comparison, analysis were used to characterize materials on cultural topics. The selection of materials for the study was carried out using the method of content analysis. The survey method was used to find out the attitude and preferences of readers of relevant publications on cultural topics. In particular, in order to find out how publications in the section «Culture» help society to develop in cultural aspect and always be informed about cultural events and activities, whether respondents read publications of a cultural nature, to identify their views on the relevance of such materials on columns of Ukrainian newspapers, there was conducted a poll. The questionnaire contained questions with suggested answer options and those that provided for the respondents to declare their position.
Conclusions to the article are made by the method of generalization of the data obtained in the main part.
Results. According to a poll, 80% of people who are not indifferent to events that take place in various spheres of public life, still read newspapers. And only 10% of respondents are not interested in what the modern press writes and informs readers. The study was conducted on the basis of four newspapers. It was found out that the most relevant and readable publication for the respondents is The Day newspaper – they like it and they are happy to buy it. Instead, the popularity of the regional newspaper Vysokyi Zamok and the all-Ukrainian Ukraina Moloda is the same. 10% of respondents pay attention to viewing these publications in their free time. Lvivska gazeta is not beloved by our respondents. Some, for example, find a publication like Express more interesting. It has been found that in order to increase the number and interest of the readership, it is necessary to publish detailed, interesting cultural materials of various genres, including reports or reviews, not limited to simple notes.
Novelty. Surveys on the attitude and interest of the readership on cultural topics in contemporary Ukrainian newspapers were conducted.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to improve cultural content in newspapers and as a result of increasing readership.
Key words: culture, readers, newspapers, research, problem.
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