«Fight and get home...» (Lesya Ukrainka’s Life and Work, Honoring Her Memory in the Ukrainian News (Germany, 1945 – USA, 2000)

S. Kozak


The purpose of this article is to find out the significance of Lesya Ukrainka’s biography and work in the life of the Ukrainian diaspora, in particular for the readers of the emigration periodical.

Research methodology. The main method of research is the analysis of publications in the newspaper «Ukrainian News». Thanks to the historical method, we were able to study objects in chronological order. Thus, all materials on the topic «Life and work of Lesya Ukrainka, honoring her memory in the pages of the newspaper « Ukrainian News «(Germany, 1945 – USA, 2000)» were analyzed.

Results. In total, we searched for 89 articles on the topic of the study in the newspaper «Ukrainian News». Among them are materials of the following thematic areas: works of Lesya Ukrainka in the newspaper, biographical information, foreign book editions of the poet’s works, their translations into foreign languages in different countries, stage life of dramatic works of the autor, chronicle of honoring her memory in the diaspora, etc. On the pages of «Ukrainian News» these publications are published in the following, according to our systematization, headings: «Literature. Criticism. Time», «Literary Cronicle», «Art», «Education», «Names and Dates», «Ukrainian Languages. Science», «Publishing».

Novelty. The novelty of the announced topic is that the materials about Lesya Ukrainka in the columns of this emigration edition were researched for the first time. In particular, for the first time a bibliographic (chronological) index of materials on this topic was prepared, their thematic and genre diversity was determined, the contribution of the diaspora in the pages of the newspaper to the study of this area was outlined.

Practical significance. All this can be of great practical value, especially for those who study the significance of the classics of Ukrainian literature in the press of the diaspora, in general, for scientists who are known to work in many countries around the world.

Key words: Lesia Ukrainka, Ukrainian news, diaspora, poetess, Коsach’s family, author.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.3(43).4


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