Transformation of the Crimea Media System in the Context of Annexation of 2014: Statistical Aspect

G. Iuksel


The scientific article describes the process of forced reform and transformation of the information sphere in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, after the occupation of 2014 (the term «occupation» is used by UN General Assembly Resolution 71/205 of December 19, 2016, which certifies «temporary occupation» Crimea).

The purpose of the scientific article is to research the process of reforming the information space of Crimea as a result of the occupation of 2014 and to study the statistical aspect of this process.

The research methodology is based on the principles of studying the processes, trends that occur in the field of journalism and are an integral part of general political processes in society. In the article author uses a chronological approach to the studied event. Work on the systematization of information is carried out using historical, sociological, statistical research methods. At different stages of work used methods of observation, comparison, calculation, generalization, abstraction.

Results. The stages of forced change and expansion into the information sphere of Crimea are considered. After the occupation of Crimea in 2014, the number of media outlets in the region has decreased compared to the time before the occupation of Crimea. The main reason of this process is the establishment of total control over the field of information and communication (including social networks) by the so-called Crimean  authorities.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is the introduction into scientific circulation of information about the events, facts and trends of the reform of the Crimean media system after the occupation. The article includes information from many references, monographers, journalistic materials published after 2014. The article is part of a comprehensive study of the transformation of the information space of Crimea and the research of the discussion about «Crimea issue» and the temporarily occupied territories in Ukrainian society.

Practical significance. The research results can be used in the process of forming the information policy of Ukraine in relation to the temporarily occupied territories, establishing communication with the citizens of Ukraine in Crimea, researching ideological, organizational, and propaganda work with the population of the half of the island. It is important to strengthen monitoring and coverage of acts of systemic repression against civilian journalists in order to inform and ensure observation by human rights organizations of the course of trials in Crimea and in Russia, where civilian journalists and activists are arrested.

Key words: Crimea, Ukraine, occupation, freedom of speech, human rights, journalists’ rights, citizen journalism, mass media, Crimean mass media, social networks.


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